TFG2900A Series Function/Arbitrary Waveform Generator Users’ Guide
Suin Instruments Co., Ltd
Level limit setting is a safety method. Users can preset the high level’s and low level’s limit value.
Even if there is misoperation in the actual use, the limit value won’t be surpassed by the output
voltage to protect the instrument from damage by overvoltage. High level limit’s maximum setting
value is +10Vdc, and low level limit’s minimum value is -10Vdc.
DC offset limit: If DC offset setting is 0, amplitude setting will be only influenced by limit level,
otherwise it will be limited by DC offset further. Amplitude setting should conform to the rules
DC amplitude Vpp/2≤high level limit
DC offset- amplitude Vpp /2≥low level limit
Frequency limit: When frequency is higher, the maximum allowable amplitude value will be
limited (see specification).
Affected by the channel’s bandwidth, the output amplitude will decrease if frequency is higher. In
continuous output mode, flatness output compensation is provided and the output amplitude will
be accurate. But in other function, flatness output compensation is unavailable, output amplitude
will fall down as the frequency’s rising.
For arbitrary waveform, in its diagram, if its peak to peak value doesn’t reach the vertical full
amplitude, then the real output amplitude won’t conform to the displaying value.
3.2.7 Amplitude format
: There are three fomats to express amplitude value: peak to peak value
Vpp, effective value Vrms, Power level value dBm. Vpp is available for all waveforms. Sine,
Square, Ramp and Pulse can also use Vrms. If external load setting is not high resistance status,
power level value dBm could also be used.
In continuous mode menu, press
, if the wave and load condition is allowable, press
different unit keys, amplitude value will be displayed in different formats.
For different waveforms, Amplitude Vpp and Vrms is also different as follows:
Square, Pulse
Crest factor of Square and Pulse is calculated by 50% of duty cycle.
Power level value and Amplitude Vrms have links with external loading, as following formula: