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Rev.13 (2018/08/30)
When using an analogue sensor (hydrostatic, ultrasonic
…), remember to connect properly the
cable's shield to the control panel ground to avoid noises and disturbances in the measurement
. Settings in PC 242 when it is mounted in an ABS APC control panel include a time filter for this
input signal, if were needed you could increase the default pre-set time filter setting.
You have to consider that the
majority of
the mistakes using a pneumatic sensor
usually happen due to pipe clogging or
due to air losses in the pipe or/and pipe
; if you are going to use a pre-
fabricated sump made by ABS without this
inlet and with an APC control panel with
MD 124 pneumatic sensor, make sure to
avoid pipe clogging as making a diagonal
cut to the air pipe to have a bigger area of
the side of the pipe submersed (as it is
shown at the left side picture).
When using an hydrostatic level sensor you must
consider effects that could appear when installing
the sensor hung from the pump pit top; turbulences
could make it hit itself with the sump walls or
making a pendular movement that will could wear
sensor housing due friction; it even could be as
close to the pumps inlet that they could be able to
suck up the sensor. You have to choose the best
way to install the sensor considering the
turbulences are supposed to appear, effect of the
pump hydraulic inlets... The right side picture
shows some ways to install this kind of sensors. No
matter the way chosen,
make sure to install the
sensor avoiding the pumps were able to suck it
up, and avoiding the sensor were moving with
friction against a wall or hitting it; if not, the
sensor could be damaged till break down