Introduction to Graphics on the
SPARCstation 10SX and
SPARCstation 20
The SPARCstation 10SX is a variant of the SPARCstation 10. The critical architectural
difference between the SPARCstation 10 and the SPARCstation 10SX is the video
subsystem. The SPARCstation 10SX integrates the graphics/imaging accelerator into
the system memory controller. This assembly is referred to as the Scalable Memory
Controller (SMC). SMC is an integer vector processor which is used for graphics and
imaging acceleration. The accelerator renders directly into DRAM or video RAM.
The Sun Microsystems Computer Systems official product name for the graphics/
imaging accelerator is SX.
All SPARCstation 20 machines have the SX graphics/imaging accelerator.
The video RAM (here referred to as the frame buffer) for the SPARCstation 10SX is
integrated into the system main memory address space. It is available on a video
SIMM card (VSIMM) in two configurations:
With 4 MBytes of video RAM
With 8 MBytes of video RAM.
This frame buffer offers true color functionality.
The video SIMM by itself functions as a dumb frame buffer. The acceleration when
rendering to the video memory is provided by the SX imaging and graphics
accelerator. The Sun Microsystems Computer Systems official product name for the
frame buffer in SPARCstation 10SX and SPARCstation 20 workstations is cgfourteen.