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special shading systems

Technical instruction
Curtain track motor EASYTRACK PLUS

Subject to technical modification.

• If these instructions are not being considered, the guarantee is not applicable • 10.2009




is a registered trademark of sundrape GmbH 

Sundrape GmbH • Im Wiebusch 4-6 • 27607 Langen-Sievern • Fon +49.47 43/8 94-0 • Fax +49.47 43/8 94-2 30

Advice: If you press the control switch and at the
same time pull the traverse joint manually out of his
traversing range, for example into the stack beyond
the switch off postion, the motor starts turning and
traverses - corresponding to switch setting. It moves
as far as possible into the stack, respectively at the
opposite side against the rail counter bearing with-
out switching off. As soon as the traverse joint will
manually be pulled into the stopping range of the
motor again, the motor will find its switch off positi-
on and stopps. 

6. New adjustment of switch off positions

Reset of the motor into delivery status for re-instal-
lation of the switch off position:

1. Move curtain into switch off position “open

curtain” (stack position).

2. Release motor and remove it from

curtain track.

3. Adjust new stack postion at traverse joint


4. Keep pressing lower motor key and press

switch for moving direction “shut curtain”.
Let motor turn until it stopps automatically.

5. Release lower motor key.
6. Switch off positions are on top of each
other. Test by pressing both motor keys. 
Motor does not turn in any way. 
7. Fix motor at the rail and lock it.
8. Keep on pressing upper motor key and press
control switch for moving direction “shut 
curtain” until the requested switch off 
postion is reached.

7. Radio remote control

You can control Easytrack PLUS easily via radio
remote control. For this a separate receiver is being
integrated into the supply line. Operation is done
with hand sender for one or more curtain tracks. Per
group controls it is possible to control mutiple cur-
tain tracks. 

Wiring diagram:






