SunMaxx Solar | 5098 NY 206 Bainbridge NY 13733 | 1.877.786.6299 1.877.270.7875 fax |
The relay is used to control an additional solid fuel boiler.
Settings range: On, Off
The relay is switched on when the pressure drops below set minimum or exceeds the set maximum pressure.
Settings range: On, Off / Default setting: Off
6.4.12 Pressure Monitor Pressure Monitor
Type of pressure sensor
This menu is used to determine the type of pressure sensor used.
Please note: If e.g. VFS1 is connected, RPS1 option is not shown.
Settings range: Off; 0-0.6 bar; 0-1 bar; 0-1.6 bar; 0-2,5 bar; 0-4 bar; 0-6 bar; 0-10 bar
Default setting: Off RPS1 / RPS2
Minimum pressure. If this value is undershot, an error message is displayed and the relay is switched on.
Settings range: Off; 0.0 to 1.6 bar
Default setting: Pmin
Maximum pressure. If this value is exceeded, an error message is displayed and the relay is switched on.
Settings range: Off; 0.0 to 10 bar
Default setting: 1.6 bar Pmax
Additional pump that fills the system at the start of every solar charge.
Settings range: S1-S8, VFS1-2, Active storage/ Default setting: none
Time the pump is switched on
This setting determines the length of time the pump is switched on at the start of a solar charge.
Settings range: 0-120 seconds / Default setting: 30 seconds
6.4.13 Booster Pump Filling Time