SunMaxx Solar | 5098 NY 206 Bainbridge NY 13733 | 1.877.786.6299 1.877.270.7875 fax |
A message is shown and the LED flashes when the pressure deviates from the set minimum or maximum value.
Settings range: On, Off / Default setting: Off
6.6.1 Pressure Monitor
A message is shown when the pressure drops below set minimum or exceeds the set maximum pressure.
No relay is switched, for that see “6.4.12. - Pressure monitor” on page 43.
Type of pressure sensor
This menu is used to determine the type of pressure sensor used. Please note: If e.g. VFS1 is connected, RPS1 option is not shown.
Settings range: Off; 0-0.6 bar; 0-1 bar; 0-1.6 bar; 0-2.5 bar; 0-4 bar; 0-6 bar; 0-10 bar
Default setting: Off RPS1 / RPS2
Minimum pressure.
If this value is undershot, an error message is displayed and the relay is switched on.
Settings range: Off; 0.0 to 1.6 bar
Default setting: 0.0 Pmin
Maximum pressure.
If this value is exceeded, an error message is displayed and the relay is switched on.
Settings range: Off; 0.0 to 10 bar
Default setting: Maximum value of the sensor Pmax
Deviations in the temperature values displayed, for example due to cables which are to long or sensors which are not positioned optimally, can be
compensated for manually here. The settings can be made for each individual sensor in steps of 0.8°C (temperature) resp. 0.2% of the measuring
range of the VFS / RPS sensor (flow rate / pressure) per step.
Offset Sensor Settings range: -100 ... +100 / Default setting: 0
Settings sind nur in Sonderfällen bei Erstinbetriebnahme durch den Fachmann nötig. Falsche Messwerte können zu Fehlfunk-
tionen führen.