Restraint belts must not be held away from the body by
wheelchair components or parts such as the armrests or
wheels .
The upper torso restraint belt must fit over the shoulder
and across the chest as illustrated .
Restraint belts must be adjusted as tightly as possible
consistent with user comfort .
Restraint belt webbing must not be twisted when in use .
The lap and diagonal restraints should be routed through
the gap between the seat and backrest as shown in
figure 24 .
1 . Confirm that the vehicle is suitably equipped to
transport a passenger in a wheelchair and has access
that is suitable for your wheelchair type .
2 . Sunrise Medical Ltd .
The use of a lower leg restraint,
placed around the shins and
around the front frame just above
the castors . (Fig .
25) .
a) That the wheelchair be secured by a 4-part (webbing)
Tie Down Restraint system, conforming to ISO 10542
or SAE J2249 with non-adjustable front straps and
adjustable rear straps, which typically use Karabiner
clips/S hooks and tongue and buckle attachments .
b) Sufficient space should be available around the
wheelchair to enable clear access to attach, tighten
and release the wheelchair and occupant tie down
restraints and safety belts .
c) The tie down restraints should be fitted to the main
frame of the wheelchair as indicated in the diagrams
on the following page, and not to any attachments or
accessories, e .g . not around the spokes of wheels,
brakes or footrests .
d) The tie down restraints should be attached as close
as possible at an angle of 45 degrees and tightened
securely in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions .
e) The safety of the user during
transportation depends upon the
diligence of the person securing the
tie down restraints and they should
have received appropriate instructions
and/or training in their use .
The attachment points to the chair are
the inner front side frame just above
the castor and the rear side frame . The straps are
fitted around the side frames at the intersection of the
horizontal and vertical frame tubes .
The tie down symbol (Fig .26) on the wheelchair frame
indicates the position of the wheelchair restraint straps .
The straps are then tensioned after the front straps have
been fitted to secure the wheelchair .
placement of
the headrest
of the
Restraints should not be held
away from the body by wheel-
chair components such as
armrest or wheels
Pelvis restraints should make
full contact across the front of
the body near the junction of
the thigh and pelvis
Fig. 22
Fig. 23
Fig. 24
Fig. 25
Fig. 26
Lap & Diago-
nal restraints
fitted through
Lower leg