2.2 Intended use
Your wheelchair is intended for use in the home, the
office, public places and buildings, on pavements,
pedestrian paths and firm surfaces . It is intended to
assist with the mobility of the user on the seat and should
not be used as a ladder or as a means of pulling or
transporting items, or similar .
Do not use the wheelchair on soft surfaces
such as sand, deep snow, slush or mud as
this may affect the stability.
Care should be exercised when using the
wheelchair on wet or slippery surfaces such
as wet cobbles or icy pavements, as these
may cause the wheels to slip or may cause
carers/attendants controlling the wheelchair
to slip.
Using your wheelchair during darkness or
poorly lit areas
When using your wheelchair during darkness
or in poorly lit areas, then consideration should
be given to the use of high visibility markers or
reflectors that can be fitted to the
wheelchair or the use of high visibility/
reflective clothing such as fluorescent waistcoats,
belts or armbands, particularly in poorly lit areas
or when crossing the road .
Maximum safe slope
The maximum safe slope for this wheelchair is 10
degrees . (This represents a slope of approx 1 in
6) .
See further notes and guidance in section 5 .4 on
wheelchair stability
Users, carers and attendants attempting to
use the wheelchair beyond the
manufacturer’s recommendations may put
themselves at risk of serious injury or even