Max Speed
Sets the maximum speed of the Chenille embroidery machine.
- The default value is 600[rpm], and the speed can be set in the range from the minimum speed to 600 [rpm] by the
unit of 1[rpm].
Min Speed
Sets the minimum speed of Chenille embroidery machine.
- The default value is 300[rpm], and the speed can be set in the range from 300[rpm] to the maximum speed by the
unit of 1[rpm].
EMB Speed
Sets the embroidery speed.
- The default value is 500[rpm]. The speed can be set between Min and Max Speed by the unit of 1[rpm].
Inching Speed
Sets the embroidery starting speed.
- The default value is 100[rpm]. The speed can be set between 50[rpm] and 200[rpm] by the unit of 1[rpm].
Inching Stitch
When starting embroidery work, the machine slowly begins to operate at the inching speed. It needs to determine
the number of stitches for low-speed operation.
- The default value is 2[st]. The number of stitches could be set at the range from 2[st] to 10[st] by the unit of 1[st].
Lock Stitch
Prevents thread unravelling. If lock stitch is used, the chain stitch is made around when embroidery work is
finished by the number of stitches preset. This can prevent unraveling of threads.
- The default value is zero, and the value can be set in the range from 1 to 10 stitches by the unit of one stitch.