Aug 04
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Form 44080000
13. Check for leaks. Make a solution of 2 -3 oz. of leak checking solution by mixing one part liquid
dishwashing soap and three parts water. Follow the procedure below:
Leak checking fuel tube connections
Step 1. Turn cylinder valve on by turning anti-clockwise.
Step 2. Check fuel tube connections for leaks. To check for leaks Spoon several drops of solution
onto the connections as illustrated.
Step 3. Inspect the solution for bubbles. If no bubbles appear then the connection is secure.
If Bubbles appear then there is a leak:
Turn OFF the cylinder valve.
Undo the connection and inspect the surface of the cone to make sure they are clean.
Reconnect using two wrenches on the on either side of the connection.
Repeat the leak checking procedure described above.
If you continue to see bubbles after several attempts DO NOT use the heater. Contact Sunstar
heating products customer service at 704 372 3486 for assistance. DO NOT use the heater.