I. Disclaimer
SUNTOR is the registered trademark of SUNTOR ELECTRONICS CO., LIMITED. All product names and brands
in this manual are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Company. SUNTOR ELECTRONICS CO.,
LIMITED. reserves all copyrights of the product and the manual. All the information must not be copied or
reproduced in any form without permission of the Company. There may be semantic differences between
disclaimers of different languages. The Chinese version shall prevail in Chinese mainland, while the English
version shall prevail in other regions. Thank you for purchasing SUNTOR ST5/11/30HPT. Please use
ST5/11/30HPT according to local radio regulations. Before use, carefully read this disclaimer. Once the
product is used, all the contents of the disclaimer will be regarded recognized and accepted. Please install
and operate the product in strict accordance with the requirements of this manual. SUNTOR ELECTRONICS
CO., LIMITED and its affiliates will not assume any legal responsibility for results or losses caused by
improper use, installation, assembly and modification (including the use of non-specified SUNTOR parts
and accessories, such as the radio power amplifier, antenna and SMA extension cord).
Improper operation of ST5/11/30HPT may cause personal injury or damage to properties to some
extent. Pay attention to operation safety.
Precautions for integration
1. Be sure to use the parts provided by SUNTOR.
2. Please not reverse connect power line positive and negative. Or the device will be burn out.
3. Install the antenna before power on. Please not install or remove the antenna with power.
4. Given that the carbon fiber body and metal load may have shielding effects on antenna signals, they
should not be installed between the antenna and ground terminal. Keep the antenna of the on board
terminal free from winding or blocking by obstacles. The antenna end should be vertically downward
without bending, to prevent shortening of the communication distance and failure in communication
as a result of blocking.
5. The antennas of the onboard terminal should be separated from each other to achieve good
anti-jamming effects. It should be kept far away from antennas of other onboard radio transmitters, as
huge electromagnetic noise and interference may be caused between various radio antennas, which
will seriously shorten the communication distance, reduce the reliability of communication and even
cause failure in communication. It is recommended to use the functions of SUNTOR product, i.e. image
transmission and RS232 two-way serial port communication to minimize the quantity of onboard radio
6. Use the antenna of specified type, and properly install it. It is prohibited to use antennas of other