My Lite X3 - 3000mw RGB Laser - Instruction Manual Ver:2019.04.18
the length of the file cannot be greater than 8, the reference is as follows, create a new “ddrloves”
folder to store new DDR files:
2, The ildfiles folder holds the standard files, the file name cannot be used in Chinese, the file
length cannot be greater than 8, the reference is as follows
Remark: Storage of ILD files can also create a new folder, but the folder cannot be in Chinese, and
the length of the file cannot be greater than 8, the reference is as follows, create a new “ildloves”
folder to store new ILD files:
The PlayList folder contains the effects file- “eff” file, the list file- “pla” file, which can be opened
in notepad and read as follows.
SD-Card effects programming:
First of all, you should put the newly designed files and DDR files into ddrfiles and ildfiles of SD
To duplicate an effect file, EFFEC000. Eff, rename to loves001. Eff, open with notepad, as