There are two pre-serving holes on the top
of sub wing. Please refer to the picture.
Use soldering to melt out the covering
over the holes for installing the gear.
There are pre-serving slots on both sides
of the sub wing.
Use soldering to melt out the covering
over the slots.
Place the horizontal on the working table.
Try to find the holes on the elevator as the
picture shown.
Use soldering to melt out the covering
over the holes (2mm).
Try to find the hole on the side of rudder
(below the second hinge).
Use soldering to melt out the covering
over the hole (2mm).
Place the top main wing on the working
table with the back facing upward.Try to
find the pre-serving slots on the fourth rib.
Use hobby knife to cut off the covering
over the slots.
Use ironer to trim the edges of the slots.
Place the bottom main wing on the
working table. Try to find the pre-serving
slots on the second rib.
Use hobby knife to cut off the covering
over the slots. Use ironer to trim the edges
of the slots.