Change 20% of the aquarium water weekly while cleaning the walls of the aquarium,
make sure the fresh water is of the same temperature as the water in your aquarium!
Add water preparation and live bacteria with every water change.
Feeding is an important thing to keep your shrimp healthy. Feed several times a day, the
amount your shrimp will consume within a few minutes. Always avoid over-feeding and
remove any uneaten food to avoid water quality issues.
Hikari Shrimp Cuisine is the best food for your Shrimps.
Test the aquarium water and adjust the water parameters as necessary before buying
your shrimps and plants. You can also ask your dealer to do this. After placing shrimps in
the aquarium, test the water every 2 days for 2 weeks and adjust any incorrect water
parameters. Afterwards test the water quality once a week!
Always put the acrylic cover on the aquarium, so the shrimps can not crawl out.
Before putting any shrimps in the aquarium, allow it to run for at least two days (a full
week is better) and ensure that the temperature is correct (check the water temperature
with an aquarium thermometer). Make sure that whenever you add fresh water it is of the
correct temperature, big temperature changes will make your shrimps sick.
After filling the aquarium, and with every water change always add water conditioner to
remove toxic substances and protect your fish. Add bacterial culture as well to help your
biological filter to start and maintain water quality.