PSA v 1.00 Software
Downlook PSA software allows for video images to be displayed, saved, retrieved, printed and managed on a standard PC.
A 486 or Pentium with a least 8 Meg of ram must be used, it is advised other than DOS, Windows 3.11 or Windows 95 no
other program should run with the Downlook PSA as a conflict of software could exist.
All functions on the software can be accessed by the use of a mouse or by a touch screen monitor.
The complete software and all individual icons and commands can be password protected.
Up to 8 images can be viewed at a time on one screen and each image can be expanded to full size, Picture receive and
hold windows provide flexibility.
A stay on line feature allows for automatic request of additional images, this is an on-off feature to allow for continuing
viewing of a location. This feature is only available with the Power832 and 5108 module.
The PSA software is provided with the DLGB, the Downlook Grabber Board.