Recording: Schedule
“Recording: Schedule”
menu enables you to specify when the DVR records video
and under what modes for each channel.
The schedule presented on-screen applies to one channel only over one whole week.
Use the “Copy To” function to quickly assign identical schedule layouts to multiple
channels at once. There is a 24-hour timeline for each day of the week. Each square in
the timeline represents an hour in the 24-hour period.
Copy To:
Located at the base of the screen, with “Default” on one side and “Apply” on
the other. This will allow you to copy the schedule from the channel you’re editing to
another channel or channels.
The action options for motion detection will affect the way the schedule works.
By default, all channels are armed to use motion detection as their recording mode.
Any adjustments in the “Alarm” menu will change the device’s behaviour, even when it
is set to motion recording mode.
There are several modes of recording to choose from:
The device will constantly record for any period where Normal is selected.
You won’t miss anything, but constant recording will fill your memory card very quickly.
Typically, we suggest Motion as a better recording mode for most users.
The default and recommended recording setting. The device will only record
when it detects something moving in front of a camera, and will then only record
footage from the camera(s) that do detect motion unless you alter your Action settings.
The DVR is armed to record if it detects an alarm event. This is the setting that
you will need to use if you have external sensors connected to the DVR’s alarm block
or configured wirelessly.
Will trigger the DVR to record either an alarm event or when motion is
being detected.
As the name suggests, the device will not record anything.
The image on the left shows a recording schedule defined for channel
1. If the DVR was started with this schedule, channel 1 would -
• Not record anything from midnight (00:00) to 6am (06:00)
• Record based on Motion from 6am (06:00) until 6pm (18:00)
• Record constantly from 6pm (18:00) until midnight (00:00)
By default, all channels are armed to use motion detection as their recording
mode. To disable the recording schedule for a particular channel, simply un-
check the “Enable” box.