We reserve the right to make changes without any prior notice.
Translation from original instructions
8.5 Unscheduled maintenance
After correctly starting-up and carrying out the relevant checks, the units normally do not need any intervention by the cu-
stomer service in order to check the charge of the refrigerant gas.
8.5.1 Special work
With use of the unit, particular situations may occur that require work to be carried out promptly.
Even in an emergency, work on the unit must be carried out by skilled personnel in safe conditions.
The presence of oil on the unit, on the pipes or on parts of the unit can be a sign of gas leaks.
Repair the leakage point and restore the charge of refrigerant gas.
In the case of small oil leaks, clean the dirty parts with absorbent cloths, otherwise recover the leaked oil with absorbent
sheets. In any case, the material used must be disposed of in accordance with current rules and regulations.
Check whether it is necessary to restore the oil charge.
In the case of spillage of the water and glycol mixture of the system, stop the operation of the unit and immediately stop the
supply by closing the valves to isolate the leaking part.
Prepare suitable means for containing the spillage (absorbent rolls, cloths, sheets).
As far as possible, recover the liquid with a wet vacuum cleaner.
In the event of environmental damage that will require reclamation work, inform the relevant authorities.
The recovered liquid and the material used must be disposed of in accordance with current rules and regulations.