Manufacturer reserves the right to alter specifications
Down in parameters
Decrease 1% / 1°
Up in parameters
Increase 1% / 1°
Setting parameters using the Comfort Panel
continued from page 19.
Insert the plug.
If the comfort panel display flashing alternately
”00” and ”99”, a forbidden combination been
selected. Disconnect the power and adjust the
selections made on the DIP switch.
Comfort panel display alternates between the
parameter number in the right display
number, to view the current parameter value
Do like this
1. Measure and adjust the value of the parame-
ters in comfort panel, see the parameters in
the table on page 22.
2. Pull the plug when all parameters are set.
3. Open the inspection panel.
4. Turn DIP switch 7 to Inactive (position left).
5. Remove any any loose objects or tools are in
the unit.
6. Replace the control board cover and inspec-
tion cover.
7. Insert the plug.
8. Done!
9. Fill in the table on page 31, and the table in
the Quick Guide.
Away mode
Forced ventilation
Active ventilation
Normal ventilation
Passive ventilation