2021 SwellPro All Rights Reserved
Flying between or near tall buildings could adversely affect the functioning of the
compass and adversely affect or block GPS and transmission signals.
During the flight, try to maintain the line of sight with the drone, keep away from
obstacles and people.
Avoid flying near areas with high electromagnetic interference such as power lines
or signal towers to minimize the risk of interfering with the remote controller of the
Fly below 4000 meters above sea level as environmental factors including air density
and wind shear reduce the performance of the aircraft and battery.
Before flying in low temperatures, warm the battery to ~25
to maximize flight
Although the SwellPro Fisherman is waterproof, do not fly in fog or strong wind
conditions. (For wind speed exceeding 20 m/s, or above Beaufort Force 8)
Flight Restrictions
According to provisions of the International Civil Aviation Organization and many
national air traffic regulations, drones must be operated in specified airspaces. Please
strictly follow the local air traffic regulation accordingly.
Pre-Flight Checklist
Ensure flight batteries, remote controller, SwellPro FPV Goggle (if applicable) are fully
Ensure the flight battery is tightly strapped to the aircraft.
Check all propellers are in good condition and correctly installed.
Ensure the propeller nuts are tightly screwed.