2021 SwellPro All Rights Reserved
Manually rotate the 4 motors to ensure they can spin smoothly.
The payload module is tightly mounted to the aircraft.
Ensure the bottom cable connector is tightly screwed.
Compass Calibration
Compass calibration is necessary for any of the following situations:
The drone is brand new.
The drone has been repaired.
The drone is more than 100 km away from the last calibration location.
The drone has been subjected to strong magnetic fields.
The drone has been crashed or subjected to the heavy shaking.
The drone sways or drifts excessively during hovering in GPS mode.
The remote controller screen prompts "WARNING Compass error Calibrate Compass".
Compass Calibration Process:
Place the drone on a level surface, power on the
remote controller then the drone. Wait for the aircraft
to connect to the remote controller.
After the connection finishes, fast switch the Flight
Mode toggle
back and forth until the aircraft’s rear
status indicators flash green, or the remote controller
screen prompts “
Drone Clockwise
”. The drone will now perform
compass calibration.
Pick up the aircraft and hold the drone horizontally
and rotate clockwise about 2~3 turns until the rear
indicators slowly flash green or the remote controller
screen prompts “
VERTICAL Calibration Clockwise