Changing IR frequency (Technical)
1. The IR socket can transmit on three different frequencies so that the user will be able to control
as many IR devices as possible.
2. The factory se�ng is 38kHz, but it is possible to change this to 32kHz and 55kHz.
3. To change the frequency, enter the setup mode: Long press on the IR socket icon in the App,
then select ‘IR commands’, then ‘Edit’ then ‘Learn new ac�on’, then press on the physical touch
bu�on of the smart socket as follows:
Enter descrip�on and select Regular Icon or Text Icon.
If you select Text Icon you can create your own Icon as in Picture 3 below,
(23) - cool, or even add an EMOJI.
We recommend not to create an icon for + or -, but rather to create an icon
for a complete scenario. Such as AC at 23 degrees with fan speed at Med,
and Cooling selected. Prepare all this first on the remote, and then teach
the socket the ON command – this way all the details (23 degrees, AC ON,
and Medium fan are all transmi�ed as one command).
To select
the light will flash twice
To select
the light will flash 3 �mes
Socket IR – Setup
To select
the light will flash once