Step 3: Calibration
If you use double side curtain, you need two SwitchBot
Curtains to open it from the middle. Alternatively, you can
use the auxiliary Clip we provide to turn it into a single side
curtain so that you only need one SwitchBot Curtain.
To do that, fully close the curtain so the 2 panels are closest
to each other. Connect the upper parts of the two panels by
using the Clip. Draw the curtain back and forth to make sure
the two panels move as one. Then you can refer to Step 2:
Install on Your Curtain Track on how to set the Curtain up.
Calibration is for your Curtain to adapt to your existing
curtain track. You need to calibrate before you can control it
from your phone or every time you change the Open Mode
in the app. You can also redo the calibration on Curtain's
Settings page.
Install with the Clip (Optional)
Lots of convenient ways to control, at your will.
App Control
Open and close the curtain at your
fingertip. We offer intuitive App
control for iOS and Android, with
weekly/bi-weekly updates following
feedback from you. OTA firmware
update is also available for better
user experience.
Touch & Go
Even with SwitchBot Curtain, you'd
probably still instinctively draw the
curtains by hand sometimes. When
it senses you drawing the curtain,
the SwitchBot Curtain will kick in
and do the work for you. We call
this Touch & Go.