('>>>>>>>>>>>>protocolblock=', 103)
Starting readWXLink
('block1 length=', 32)
('block2 length=', 31)
ReversedreceivedCRC= 80af
length of stb1+sb2= 59
calculatedCRC = 80af
Good CRC Recived
('protocol_ID = ', 10)
('protocol_software_version = ', 3)
protocol 10 SolarMAX received
ITemperature from SolarMAX temperature: 10.6C
IHumidity from SolarMAX humidity: 77.3%
SolarMax batteryVoltage = 13.53
SolarMax batteryCurrent = -444.00
SolarMax loadVoltage = 5.16
SolarMax loadCurrent = 170.90
SolarMax solarPanelVoltage = 18.70
SolarMax solarPanelCurrent = 412.00
SolarMax auxA = 0.00
SolarMax Message ID 14675
It’s working!
Installing Your SolarMAX Lead Acid System
Plug your solar panel into the appropriate MC4 plugs on the outside of your box and your SolarMAX system is
Take a TypeA USB to TypeA USB Cable and plug in your computer system. SolarMAX provides 5V through
the USB cable. If you need a USB Micro, or USB C cable you will need to get the appropriate converters to go
from USB Type A to your device.
SkyWeather comes with a Type A USB input so you just need a Male to Male Type A USB extender cord.
Enjoy getting all this data about your solar system!
Version 1.4 December 2019