Destination Anywher
25 Harrow Street, Sylvania NSW 2224
Telephone: (02) 9522 7430 • (02) 9522 4594
Fax: (02) 9522 6335
Boat in image may be fitted with optional extras
S p e c i f i c a t i o n s
Destination Anywher
Dual Inboard Engines
• Fuel Capacity - 1350 Litre (300 gal.)
• Water Capacity - 405 Litre (90 gal.)
• Net Weight - 8500 kg Diesel
• Cockpit Area - 9.3sq. m. (100 sq. ft.)
• Height Above Waterline - 3.5m (11’6”)
(Excluding Hard Top)
• Length Overall - 10.67m (35’) plus
Swimming & Bow Platforms
• Draft - 0.9m (3’)
• Beam - 4.03m (13’3”)
• Cruise Speed - 20 - 24 knots
• Sleeping - 4 / 7
The constructional, electrical and mechanical specifications of Caribbean Boats
are designed primarily to a company standard which has been developed
over 50 years of experience both in Australia and the USA. Whilst these
design specifications have proven more than adequate for normal use, owners
should be aware that they do not necessarily comply with any government
or industry standard, which may vary from time to time around various states
and countries.
Each new Caribbean boat is covered by a twelve month limited warranty
which is a manufacturer’s guarantee covering any structural defect occurring
during or as a result of normal use. In addition a comprehensive Owner’s
Manual with Safety and Maintenance Schedule, including complete wiring
diagrams, is provided with each boat and if carefully followed will help to
ensure reliable and trouble-free boating.
International Marine, like all other manufacturers throughout the world,
is unable to guarantee gelcoat, which, being purely cosmetic is subject to
fading, discolouration and crazing and may be affected by antifoul, climatic
and numerous other operational factors.
Due to the wide variety of pleasure boat operational applications International
Marine is unable to accept a “Duty of care” for those on board.
A detailed Warranty Card, Owner’s Manual with Safety and Maintenance
Schedule, which should be studied thoroughly, is available with each
Caribbean and receipt of these items should be registered with International
Marine at the time of purchase by completing and returning the Warranty
Card within the stated 14 days.