2016 Symantec Corporation This document may be freely reproduced & distributed whole & intact including this copyright
Figure 3
–11 Evidence of Tampering
3.2.1 General Label Information
If tamper evident labels require fitting or replacing then this must only be done by
the Crypto Officer. The following guidelines must be followed.
Apply labels to a clean, dry surface. Oily, wet or dusty surfaces will
prevent proper label adhesion. Clean each of the designated label areas
with isopropyl alcohol, and make sure it is thoroughly dry. Apply a small
amount of alcohol to a clean, lint-free cloth. Rub the area to be cleaned for
several seconds. Dry the area with a dry portion of the cloth, or allow it to
air dry. Do not blow on it, as this may cause saliva to be applied to the
surface. Do not touch the surface after it has been cleaned.
Apply labels to the metal starting at the bend line and with smooth
outward strokes toward either end of the label. This will reduce bubbles.
Once a label is applied, it should not be touched for 2-4 hours to allow the
adhesive to cure.
Apply labels at a temperature of 65F (18C) or above.