ATS-6501 Users Guide
[antenna_delay] 0.00000000000
[antenna_voltage] 0.00000000000
[datum] wgs84
[mask_angle] 1.00000000001
[auto_hours] 1.20000000001
[altitude] 1.59272900003
[latitude] 4.00194142201
[longitude] -1.05239096202
[mode] auto
If these settings are correct type
to save the current user default configuration on the
system to ensure the system uses the positioning mode and period after a reboot or power cycle.
If the unit is rebooted, power cycled, or the application is restarted with the positioning
mode set to auto, the system will go through the process of determining its antenna position based
on the position period (
). Once that period expires the system will again set itself
fixed and use the new determined solution as the correct position. It will do this each time this
occurs. The [ptd] or UTC offset value reported by the system will be noisier during the auto
position period and will become significantly quieter when the antenna position is fixed.
In addition to automatically determining its antenna location, the ATS 6501 generates a
RINEX (Receiver INdependent EXchange) format observation file. This file format is a standard
used by the GPS community and provides all the necessary GPS measurements for determining
the antenna location. The file can be retrieved from the system by using ftp (login: ftp, password:
ftp) to log in and retrieve the file. Once logged in the file will be in the “rinex” subdirectory and
will have a “.[yy]o” extension where [yy] represents the last two digits of the current year. Many
online processing centers are available (e.g.,
) and will process the observation file free of charge.
Doing this improves the position estimate of the antenna and is recommended for precise time
recovery. After this is complete it is possible to set the position mode to manual using the
coordinates provided by these services.
The receiver has a countdown timer to show the amount of time left (
while in the auto positioning mode. Once this timer counts to zero the RINEX file will be
generated, the receivers position (
status gps:position:fixed
) will be true and the [time_remaining]
field will show 0 seconds.
ATS-6501>status gps:auto_positioning
[time_remaining] 10 hours, 53 minutes
ATS-6501>status gps:position
[alt] 5.15804000001
[fixed] false
[lat] 3.84664007401
[lon] -7.74404307001