Synclavier Regen User Manual
So it’s fun and easy to jam with beatloops, but for this to be a bedrock on which
to design a full song, you’ll likely want to sequence this with a external MIDI
sequencer, such as the likes of an Arturia Keystep, Elektron Digitact, or Korg
SQ-64. In which case, you’ll want to select the tracks you’re using for #beatloops:
in the TIMBRE panel, then
Arrow Left
; you’ll see the
, and the first option is
MIDI Channel
. Rather than the default ALL
value, change this to one particular MIDI channel that you’ll use with your
sequencer. If you set the same BPM and bar count on your sequencer, you can
send notes at the start of each pattern. Now you have a beat going, you have the
other MIDI channels free to send other instruments to Regen to play along on
other tracks.
Sequences aren’t part of a session, but they appear under the Sessions in the
Library. This is a bonus feature that is capable of playback of a MIDI track for
demonstration purposes. You can load one sequence into memory at a time.
There are some sequences included in the factory content that correspond to the
For example, load the Mix - Gym vs Club session from
the factory sessions. You’ll notice that 4 tracks have been
recalled. If you tap
from the NOTE FX panel,
you’ll see that the tracks are named, “EDM Drums,
Natural Wood #1 +FM, Elevate Keys, and Simple Tone.”
Now, go back to the sessions view and load Seq - Gym
vs Club. Now that a sequence has been loaded into
memory it can be played. Tap Sessions from the NOTE
FX panel again and you’ll see the
option is
selectable. Tap that option button to open the Sequence
player page: