Although developments are constantly heading
towards digital sound formats and multi-channel
audio/video systems, high quality stereo systems
continue to enjoy great popularity. Many a person
recoils at the thought of installing all too elabora-
te multi-channel systems and enjoys DVD films in
stereo. Many music lovers do not want to change
over to surround sound systems because high end
stereo sources cannot reveal their whole sound
potential in many surround systems.
Valve amplifiers represent a notable niche, and
their pleasant, lively and low distortion sound has
a loyal fan base. High valve lifespan and robust
behaviour in combination with loudspeakers
make dealing with valve appliances in the mean-
time nearly as easy as transistor amplifiers.
The further development of the TAC appliances is
manifested not least in the design of the new
appliances. The design of the K-35 clearly shows
that a major step forward has been made here.
As in its big brother, the V-60, an automatic bias
control unit is used here. The valves thus always
work in the optimal range, with changes due to
the valves heating up or ageing no longer having
any influence. This therefore ensures that the pilot
valves (12AX7x1, 12AU7x2) always work ideal-
ly together with the power valves (EL34x4). The
volume is controlled by means of an Alps poten-
tiometer and remote control.