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1.  Before assembling the Leaning Post, check 

the footprint dimensions and mark the 
approximate locations of the mounting 
holes with a wax pencil.

2.  Check underneath the deck to make sure 

that any gas tanks, gas lines, electrical 
wires, etc. are far enough below the deck 
so they will not be damaged when drilling 
or through bolting the Leaning Post to the 



If you do not know what is 

directly underneath your mounting location, 
ask your boat manufacturer, a qualified boat 
mechanic or use a flashlight to view the area 
through an existing access hole or make a 
hole in an area that you can properly seal 
and cover afterwards.

3.  Assemble the Leaning Post according to the 

assembly instructions provided.

4.  Using the footprint of your Leaning Post, 

make backing plates out of a piece of 1/2" 
marine lumber or 1/4" aluminum. Make sure 
you leave enough material for a cover plate 
(Step 14).

5.  If the area underneath is acceptable, place 

the Leaning Post in the desired location, 
about 12" from the console.

6.  Make sure that your Leaning Post is straight 

and parallel with your console, centered 

7.  Mark the hole locations through the 

mounting holes in each mounting flange, 
making sure that the Leaning Post does not 

8.  Install a 3/16" drill bit into your drill and put 

a piece of tape on the drill bit 1" from the tip 
so you will know when to stop and do not 
drill too deep.

9.  Drill the mounting holes.
10. Put the Leaning Post back in place to make 

sure that all the holes line up. Enlarge holes 
if necessary. Use marine sealant on bottom 
of mounting plates and fastener holes for a 
good seal.

11.  If you do not have an access hatch to the 

underside of the deck, you will have to cut 
an access hole between the two mounting 
locations on each side of the leaning post 
big enough so you can reach inside and 
install a backing plate and locknuts or 
T-nuts on the mounting screws. Make sure 
that the access hole is completely within the 
mounting feet of the leaning post so that 
you can seal and cover it up with a piece of 
Marine Lumber after the installation.

12.  Put sealant on the threads of each of the 

1/4" mounting bolts and insert them into the 

13. Install the backing plates and locknuts or 

T-nuts on the mounting bolts through the 
access holes and tighten them securely.

14. Using a piece of 24" x 54" marine lumber 

or 1/8" aluminum, cut the cover plate to 
fitwithin the footprint of your Leaning Post.

15. Drill clearance holes in the marine lumber or 

aluminum plate for the mounting screws.

16. Using the clearance holes mark the deck 

and drill pilot holes so the screws can thread 
into the deck.

17.  Place sealant around each of the access 

holes and line up the holes in the cover 
plate with the pilot holes, put sealant on 
the screw threads and install the screw to 
secure the cover plate to the deck.

18. Install the optional cooler and adjust the 

