This screen is for setting gain sensitivities if using a stabilization gyro in the aircraft. Up to three sensitivity
adjustments can be set for a gyro’s X, Y, and Z axes (if applicable).
For each respective axis, move the cursor to the rate percentage at top and press
. Adjust this value
to the desired gain sensitivity for this axis. Then move the cursor to the output channel “OUT.CH” selection
at bottom to set which channel that this sensitivity will control. A control switch can also be selected by
moving the cursor to the “CTRL” line at bottom and selecting a switch as explained earlier in the manual.
Once all gyro gain sensitivities are set press
to exit this screen.
The aileron channel can be mixed to the rudder channel, which can be useful with certain wing/airplane types.
To make this AILE
RUDD mix active at all times do NOT assign a switch at the CTRL line. Adjust the
mixture percentage and press
. On/off control of this mix can be assigned to a switch. Set the mix
rates as desired for each switch position. Press
when fi nished.
Mixing the rudder channel to the aileron and/or elevator channels can be very useful for trimming an airplane
to be neutral when using the rudder. Select the rudder channel to mix to the aileron or elevator channels
as needed. This mix can be active at all times by not selecting a switch on the CTRL line. Or, for on/off
control of this mix, select a control switch at the bottom of the screen.
Only available when 2AI and 2AI1FL wing types are selected, to help offset unwanted yaw which can occur
when ailerons are moved. One servo must be connected to each aileron for this mix. Instead of equal linear
movement between both ailerons, a differential percentage can be assigned so that the defl ection of one
aileron is at a lower or higher rate than the opposite aileron. Certain applications may require a reduction
in the aileron differential rate when an airbrake is applied. This feature is useful for glider and/or sailplane
applications which use other settings to achieve “butterfl y” or “crow” functionality.
Enter the DIFFERENTIAL function. There are two ways to control the mix. One is to make the mix be active
at all times. Another is to control the mix with an otherwise unused switch.
To make AILE DIFFERENTIAL active at all times do NOT assign a switch at the CTRL line.
to highlight the differential rate percent and press
to fi nd the desired value.
when fi nished.
Switch Control:
To control the mix with a switch, move the cursor to the CTRL line and press
. Defl ect the switch that will control the mix. The screen will show the functional assignments
for each position of the switch as described previously. Press
to confi rm the switch selection.
The display will now show the different switch positions (SP.0, SP.1, SP.2). A different rate can be set
for each switch position.
Defl ect the switch to one position, and note the cursor on-screen will move automatically to the rate for that
position. Adjust that rate as desired. Defl ect the switch to the remaining positions and repeat. To remove
a switch which might have been assigned previously, highlight the switch selection in the CTRL line and
once all mixing values are set to return to the FUNCTION menu screen.