Remote Computing
Simple Terminal Login Connection
SPARCbook Portable Workstation User Guide
Once the link is is established, the actions taken depend upon the
configuration of the remote machine. The
utility supports the
following escape sequences:
Escape to a command prompt on the local system. The
connection remains in place and typing
you to the remote system.
~t from [to]
Copy a file from the specified file on the remote system
to a file on the local machine. If
is ommitted, the same
file name is used.
~%p from [to]
Copy a file from the specified file on the local system to
a file on the remote machine. If
is ommitted, the same
file name is used.
Get a summary of tilde escapes.
Terminate the connection.
S3UG4_Book Page 4 Friday, August 8, 1997 11:37 am