4.4 Video Tracking
The Video tracking system includes three sub modules:
Video Matrix
Predefine Position
. This facility needs hardware support (HCS-4311M/TMX0804 Video Switch Unit).
4.4.1 Video Matrix
Setup video matrix, there are two kinds of video matrix: HCS-4311M and TMX0804. User shall
choose the correct model according to the actual connection.
HCS-4311M matrix setup:
Open video matrix interface and choose HCS-4311M matrix, as figure below:
Figure: HCS-4311M Video matrix interface
HCS-4311M is a mixed matrix including one 8x4 video matrix, one line doubler (transforming video
signal to VGA signal), one 4x1 VGA matrix and one 6x1 audio matrix.
The video input equipment includes dome camera, fixed camera, computer and another video
input device. The camera cannot be assigned as VGA input, the computer cannot be assigned as
Video and S-Video input, the dome camera cannot be assigned as Video and S-Video input at the
same time.
Video and line doubler output include two types: normal output and video track.
HCS-4311M matrix setup:
Assign Video, S-video and VGA input type and assign one VGA input channel as computer
Assign video and line doubler output type;
Assign output channel for video and line doubler with normal output;
Assign VGA1 output channel;
Assign audio output channel;
Click “Save and Send To CMU” button to save current video matrix.