6.5 Seat Sign-in
The seat sign-in management can displays and controls the seat sign-in status, including
key-press sign-in
Figure: Seat sign-in interface
Seat key-press sign-in: delegates press the sign-in key on the conference unit to perform sign-in.
The process of the seat key-press sign-in is controlled by the operator, including: Start/Restart,
Stop and Display Sign-in Status.
The delegate sign-in information can be displayed by different delegate type.
Start/Restart Sign-in: start or restart seat key-press sign-in progress. When the delegates press
the sign-in keys on each contribution unit, the system will calculate the sign-in result
Stop Sign-in: stop sign-in progress.
Display: display sign-in result and quorum status (green font means quorum reached and red
font means quorum not reached). (Bi-output VGA adapter needed)