5.4.8 Changing the fuse
The fuse box included in the electrical system is mounted on the electrical unit. The fuse will
disconnect the electricity supply if it is overloaded. You can reconnect the circuit by wiring up to the
next terminal.
Laying up and launching
While the boat is in the water but not in use, the engine should be run warm at least once every 14
days. If the boat is not to be used for over a month at a time, long-term inhibiting should be carried
Long-term inhibiting
You should have the engine and its accessories checked by professional before carrying out
long-term inhibiting, and see that any necessary repairs are carried out at this point.
Inhibiting schedule (with boat in water)
6.3.1 Allow the engine to idle at high revolutions for a few minutes. Then stop it.
6.3.2 Pump all oil out of the engine using the oil pump and drain off the oil out of
the gearbox.
6.3.3 Change the oil filter. Fill the engine and gearbox to the correct level.
The engine is then ready to run on this oil next season.
When inhibiting for longer periods than normal laying-up for the winter, special preservative oil
should be used, and the oil filter should not be changed until the boat is launched again.
6.3.4 Change the fuel filter
Clean the filter screen and vent the fuel system
6.3.6 Loosen the venting screw on the fuel filter about 4 turns. Watch out for fuel splashing.
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