6.3.7 Pump up the fuel using the hand primer until the fuel is flowing out free of air bubbles. Tighten
the venting screw again.
The fuel injection pump is vented automatically when the engine is started.
6.4 Inhibiting schedule (with boat on land)
6.4.1 Fresh water cooled engine
If the fresh water system has already been filled with ethylene glycol or similar corrosion inhibitive
fluid, check the anti-freeze. If the system has been filled and then filled with a 50/50 mixture of water
and ethylene glycol.
6.4.3 Sea water system
Prepare a 50/50 mixture of fresh water and anti-freeze glycol or similar corrosion inhibitive fluid, and
insert the hose in it. Arrange for the collection of the fluid when it has run through the engine before
you start. Then start the engine and let it idle until all the mixture has been used up.
Note: The pump must not be allowed to run dry.
6.5 Launch the boat
6.5.1 If the propeller shaft is fitted with a rubber stuffing box, press in grease before launching.
6.5.2 The stuffing box should be vented after launching.
Warning: The rubber stuffing box must be replaced after 500 hours or 5 years.
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