- 21 -
Observing the Sun
Never observe the Sun directly. This will
cause instant and permanent damage to
the eye. There are several options for solar
viewing. The first is a high quality glass solar
filter that blocks out 99.999% of light across
the infrared, visible and ultraviolet spectrum.
This filter should be secured over the lens
shade with nylon set screws to prevent the
filter from falling off the telescope during
use. One should also use the finder cap
over the finder to prevent accidental eye
damage from looking through the finder.
Using this technique allows for direct view of
the solar disc, showing any visible sun spots
and other solar phenomenon.
Another method of solar observation is the
dedicated sub angstrom solar filter system
which allows prominences and great detail
to be seen on the solar surface.
A third method is to use a technique known
as solar projection. In this method, an image
of the sun is projected onto a plate, and
the projected image allows for the observer
to safely view the solar disc in an indirect
manner. This method requires the Takahashi
Solar Projection Plate, which is sold
separately. The solar image is projected
through an eyepiece onto a small white
screen. This method is primarily limited to
the observation of sun spots. In order to
use the solar projection plate, the 95mm
accessory holder will also be required. This
item is sold separately.
Never view the Sun directly. Full
aperture solar filters are required
for safe solar viewing through this
telescope. Also, be sure to cover
the finder scope with the finder cap.
Finder Cap
Accessory Holder
Solar Projection Plate