iCMP Device Setup
Powering Up
Enable Bluetooth™ on your iPad
Tap on the Settings app on your iPad,
select Bluetooth from the left menu and
turn the Bluetooth setting ON.
Power on the iCMP
The power button is located above the USB
charging port on the right side of the device.
Before pairing your iCMP with the iPad,
make sure you charge your iCMP device for
a minimum of 3 hours. A full charge takes
about 6 hours.
Micro USB charging port is
located on the right side of
the iCMP device, below the
power button
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Thank you for choosing talech and the Ingenico iCMP device.
This guide shows you how to set up, pair and configure your iCMP device and begin taking payments right
away. If you have any questions, you can contact talech support at support@talech.com or 888.995.1998.