Line Matrix Printer
The TallyGenicom mid range line printers offer first class performance at
1200 lines per minute with high workload. Available in tabletop and
pedestal versions, there are also models for any host system
Automatic Print Gap adjustment, with the 'clean hands', long life
cartridge ribbon, and easy to load paper; result in minimal operator
intervention essential for unattended operation. Both 60 and 250 million
character ribbons are available for extremely low cost of ownership. By
providing a consistent supply of ink to the print mechanism the output is
uniform over the ribbon life, so quality is excellent, all the time.
TGNetAdmin (TGNet PSIO printer version) further reduces costs with
remote configuration and status monitoring functions.
We understand durability and this product is reliable and inexpensive to
repair so it'll provide many years trouble free service.
M o n o L a s e r
C o l o u r L a s e r
P r o d u c t i o n I n k
D o t M a t r i x
L i n e M a t r i x
C o n s u m a b l e s
Best price performance and
cost of ownership
1200 lines per minute
Durable and reliable
For PC, Server, mid-range, mainframe
and legacy Systems
For text and barcodes printing
Wide range of models - Serial RS232 /
Parallel; Ethernet; Coax/Twinax; IPDS;
HP; Arabic
Very low running costs
Quick change clean hands long life
cartridge ribbon