TANDBERG Gatekeeper/Border Controller API User Guide
page 10 of 84
Example 1.9
The element
will contain different sub elements depending on the zone status:
<Zones item="1">
<Zone item="2" status="Failed">
<Cause item="1">No gatekeeper reachable</Cause>
<Name item="1">MyNeighbor</Name>
<Gatekeeper item="1" status="Failed">
<Cause item="1">DNS Resolution Failed</Cause>
<Address >baddns.example.com</Address>
<Port item="1">1719</Port>
<Calls item="1"/>
<Bandwidth item="1">
<Total item="1">Unlimited</Total>
<PerCall item="1">Unlimited</PerCall>
<Used item="1">0</Used>
<Zones item="1">
<Zone item="1" status="Active">
<Name item="1">MyNeighbor</Name>
<Gatekeeper item="1" status="Active">
<Address ></Address>
<Port item="1">1719</Port>
<Calls item="1"/>
<Bandwidth item="1">
<Total item="1">Unlimited</Total>
<PerCall item="1">Unlimited</PerCall>
<Used item="1">0</Used>
In the above example we see that the
element is only present if the zone status is
1.4.3 Configuration documents (rw)
The structure of the Configuration documents is independent of system state, i.e. the structure will be
constant in time. In addition to holding the values for the various configurations, each configuration
value-element includes an attribute,
referencing the value domain for the