Using the Software
Gathering Data via Wireless Communication
You can set up the program schedule to gather recorded data either at a set
time interval or at a set time of day. Also, when necessary you can gather
present data.
Monitoring Temperature and Humidity
With the software you can set upper and lower limits for each channel and
the monitoring function will periodically check to see if a limit has been
exceeded. If a limit has been exceeded a warning will be displayed on your
computer screen. Settings can be made differently for each Remote Unit.
Software [Wireless for Windows]
The Software is made up of the following three software programs
Wireless for Windows
(Set up Program)
This is the main program and controls registration
and settings for all units as well as manages the
downloading of data via cable. (see p.
(Control Program)
This will be placed in your Start up Menu. It will
automatically open and an icon will appear in the
task tray. It manages the Auto Downloading and
Warning Monitoring functions. (see p.
(Graph Tools Program)
This manages the creation of graphs, data tables
and text type files as well as all printing functions.
(see p