Type of Unit
Select the type of device.
Monitoring Status
"Monitoring Warnings" or "Warnings Stopped" will appear.
Upper and Lower Limit Settings
The setting ranges are as follows: Temperature: Celsius -60 to 155 / Fahrenheit -76 to 311.1 and
Humidity: 0%~100%
You can also select whether to measure and record in Celsius or Fahrenheit.
Recipient Address
A warning report mail can be sent to up to 5 mail addresses.
The address cannot exceed 128 characters.
- You cannot use a space.
Sender Address
This will only used in the mail display to show where a warning report mail has been sent from.
It should be noted that if you assign an imaginary address, in some cases the SMTP server will
judge the mail to be SPAM or junk mail and not allow it to be sent. If you do use an imaginary
address, make sure the address is permissible on your SMTP server
Set the Subject Title for the Warning Mail.
Even if you make no settings here, the title "Warning Report Mail" will be automatically set.
The title can use up to 32 characters.
Sender Name
It is also possible to put the sender name in the body of the message.
The name can use up to 32 characters.
Body of Message
It is possible to send any message you desire along with a warning report mail.
The message can contain up to 64 characters.
Settings History
You can select from the [History] menu any of the IP addresses with which successful
communication has occurred until now.
- Note that if you have turned [OFF] the [Login History] in the [Menu] or if you have deleted the Login
history by having clicked [Clear Login History] the Settings History will not appear.