A spreadsheet program (e.g. Microsoft Excel or Libre Office Calc) can be used to show the
waveform graphically. A macro is available for Excel to automatically format and plot
waveform data. File formats
Results file format
The results file is in CSV (comma separated value) format. The first line of the file details unit
type, software version, and configuration information. The second line specifies column
headings for the data, and the third line onwards is data.
"200A-3PH mk2 ","V2.09","C00","P1","A1"
"Time","Date","Main A","Timer","Aux A","Aux V","Phase","Freq Hz","Aux Range","Comment"
up to 39
Double-clicking on a results file in MS Windows on a PC with a spreadsheet installed will open
the file. Excel macros are provided on the supplied USB memory key. To use the macros open
the “200A-3PH mk2 tools” Excel spreadsheet before opening the results CSV file. This will
install a toolbar in Excel with buttons for formatting overcurrent and waveform results files.
Refer to the instructions in the “200A-3PH mk2” tools spreadsheet for further details.
Waveform file format
The waveform file is in CSV (comma separated value) format.
The first line lists the time, date, and time between samples in ms (0.06=60µs). The second
line specifies column headings, and subsequent lines list one sample value for main output
current in A and one sample value for the auxiliary input in A or V. 1024 samples are stored at
60µs intervals for a total sampling time of 61.44ms.
"11:57:34","27/01/13","","","","Sample Time(ms)","0.06"
“Main","Aux. I"
Double-clicking on a results file in MS Windows on a PC with a spreadsheet installed will open
the file. Viewing results
The VIEW RESULTS setting allows the results to be displayed.
Ensure the main output is off. Set the STORE RESULTS switch to VIEW. The files to view can
be scrolled through using ADJUST knob and the file to view opened using
. The results in
the file can then be stepped through using ADJUST knob.
Press OFF to delete the current result. Changes are not saved after deleting a result until the
key is pressed.