of the display will show if the alarm is ON or OFF. The lower right corner of the display will
show the alarm type.
The on/off indicator in the lower left corner will start to flash, select on of off by turning the
TUNE button and press enter to confirm.
Now the hour indicator of the alarm time will start to flash. Adjust the hour of the alarm time
by turning the TUNE knob and confirm by pressing ENTER.
Now the minute indicator of the alarm time will start to flash. Adjust the minute of the alarm
time by turning the TUNE knob and confirm by pressing ENTER.
The alarm type indicator in the lower right corner will start to flash. Adjust the alarm type by
turning the TUNE knob and confirm by pressing ENTER.
The finally the alarm volume needs to be set. Adjust the volume of the alarm by turning the
TUNE knob and confirm by pressing ENTER.
The alarm is now set, and the radio must be turned off, in order for the alarm to work. When
the alarm is on, the display will show a bell in the right side of the screen.
To set the alarm off before it has been activated, enter the alarm time set mode and choose
OFF. Confirm by pressing ENTER 5 times.
To set the alarm off after it has been activated, press the POWER button.
The alarm time will be remembered to the next day.
The volume of the alarm will be the same as when the radio was set into standby.
Resetting the radio
If you want to erase your settings on the radio, including presets, alarm and sleep settings.
Press and hold the INFO button for 2 seconds. Press the INFO button once again to select
system reset, and press ENTER. The radio will now reset.