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Menu 450: Dig I/O 2X mode
This menu determines the transmission method used when working with high sample rates.
: Menu 450 only applies to the AES/EBU multi-channel option module.
When set to "High Speed", each pair of odd/even tracks is transmitted on a single
balanced connection. In this case, tracks one through twelve would be transmitted on
the first six digital audio connections to the AES/EBU multi-channel option module.
When set to “1/2 Spd, 2 Line”, one track is transmitted on a single balanced connection. In this
case, tracks one through twelve would be transmitted on the first twelve digital audio connections
to the AES/EBU multi-channel option module.
This mode is also known as "Dual Line" and/or
"2 Wire" mode.
The TDIF digital option card does not support the "High Speed" mode, being constrained to the
"1/2 Spd, 2 Line" Dual Line mode. Attempting to set "High Speed" mode on a TDIF board will
produce the error message "No Dig High Speed".
The ADAT option card does not support 96k
Different manufacturers use different methods for transmitting high sample rates. Check
your product’s manual to determine the correct method for interfacing your MX-2424 with digital
consoles, outboard converters, etc. A mismatch of transmission method will result in clock noise
or lack of audio altogether.
Menu 460: 2Ch I/O 2X Mode (TEST SPDIF)
This menu determines the transmission method used when a working with high sample rates
enu 460 applies specifically to the AES/EBU and S/PDIF 2 channel inputs and outputs
When set to "High Speed", the MX-2424 sends and receives a stereo pair of audio tracks through
he 2 channel connection.
When set to "1/2 Spd, Mono", the MX-2424 sends and receives a single track of audio through
the 2 channel connection.
This mode is also known as "Dual Line" and/or "2 Wire" mode.