Hardware Description
If the LCD Module has lower color resolution (fewer bits per color component), only the
most significant bits of each component are used.
The Linux frame buffer driver offers a function which returns the information about the
frame buffer structure including the assignment of each frame buffer bit to a color channel
bit. It is recommended that graphics software uses this function in order to achieve a
correct color representation.
4.32. Touch Screen ADC Controller (TSADCC)
The Stamp9G45 has additional to touch panel support three ADC channels available.
The Touch Screen ADC Controller is a 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter supporting
resistive touch screen panels. It can be used as Touch Screen Controller, ADC or both
supporting eight lines maximum. It integrates a 8-to-1 analog multiplexer for analog to
digital conversions of up to 8 analog lines, four power switches that measure both axis
positions and a pen-interrupt and pen-loss switch.
The conversions extend from 0V to TSADVREF, an external voltage reference for better
accuracy. It supports 8-bit or 10-bit resolution mode. Every channel can be enabled and
disabled seperately. It supports 10-bit 384 Ksamples/sec.