Recommended CRS position in the
vehicle :
installation of CRS in rear seating
position. Refer the table for
recommended position for your vehi-
cle and CRS.
According to accident statistics,
children are safer when restrained
in a CRS that is secured in rear
seating position. While installing in
rear seat, push the front seat fully
forward so that child’s feet do not
contact the front seat back.
However, if it is essential that a child
travels in the front seat, push the vehi-
cle seat fully rearward and keep the
child in an approved forward facing
CRS. Adjust the seat backrest to an
upright position.
Installation Procedure :
Strictly follow the instructions given in
the CRS installation manual.
Adjust the seat backrest to an upright
position if a CRS is to be used on front
seat. Fasten children’s seat belts
correctly and make sure they assume
a correct seating position. Try to move
the CRS in all directions, to make sure
it is securely installed.
Always secure the child in CRS and
CRS in the vehicle safely in accord-
ance with the instructions from CRS
Booster Seat :
The CRS are classified according to
the child's size, height and weight.
Select the appropriate CRS for your
child. Always ensure that the child fits
securely in the CRS and CRS is
securely installed in the vehicle.
Different types of CRS are available in
the market; make sure that the CRS
you select meets AIS 072 / ECE R44
safety standards.