X10.5 Pro SMART
3. Exercise: Stretching the calf muscles (gastrocnemius)
• Place feet parallel to each other pointing forward,
the heels touch the floor
• Support yourself on a chair coming from a lunge
• Move your body weight to the front leg, press
your heel from the rear leg towards the floor and
hold the contact
• Slowly stretch your knee of the rear leg until you
feel the stretch in your calves
• Change legs
4. Exercise: Stretching the chest muscles (pectoralis major)
• Stand parallel to a wall
• Place your forearm at 90° to the wall with the elbow
just above shoulder height
• Turn your head and upper body gradually to the
opposite sides until you feel a stretch in the front
chest, of the shoulder being leaned on
• Pay attention to tension in your abdominal and
gluteal muscles
• Your weight is on your front leg
• Change legs
All recommendations of these instructions apply solely to healthy persons and
are not suitable for those with heart or cardiovascular problems. All of the tips
are intended only as a guide to help you create a workout. Your physician can
offer appropriate advice for particular, personal requirements.
We hope you enjoy your workout and have a lot of success!