Suitable Products
Dishwashing Liquids
As a rule of thumb, it is always recommended to go for dishwashing liquids
labeled as ‘Environmentally Friendly’ or ‘Green’. In general, products that are
non-toxic, non-chlorine based, and biodegradable are considered safe.
Surface Cleaners
Similar to above, it’s suggested to look for environmentally friendly products.
It is also important to look out for products which are non-antibacterial or
harsh chemically.
Toilet Cleaners
The majority of cream cleaners are usually deemed suitable. Similarly,
you want to look for products that are biodegradable, natural, and
environmentally friendly. Toilet fresheners are not recommended.
Floor Cleaners
t is recommended to use hot soapy water to clean floors. Using floor
cleaners is generally acceptable at controlled levels. It’s advised to stay away
from heavy chemical cleaners
Laundry Powders, Liquids and Bath Salts
Select low phosphorus, sodium and sulphur products. Washing soda can
occasionally be added (less than half a cup) to help reduce foaming if
necessary. When using Epsom salts in your bath, use small amounts, less than
2 cups of Epsom salt per bath, no more than once per week.
Pet / Animal Washing In Basins
Pets are treated with products to maintain their health (especially fleas). If
washed in a laundry, bath, or shower, the treatment used could flow through
to the system and cause operational problems.