a) Press the ON/OFF key to turn the scale on. If using a bowl or other
container (not included), place the bowl on the scale before turning
it on to zero out the weight of the bowl. You may also press the ZERO
key to reset the scale to zero.
b) Your scale is set at the factory to weigh in pounds/ounces (lb:oz). To
switch to grams (g), fluid ounces (fl.oz), or milliliters (ml), press the
“MODE” key. The current units of measurement are indicated above
the weight reading. For your convenience, the scale has a ‘weight
mode’ memory, so when the scale is next switched on, it will continue
to use the weight units last selected.
c) Place the item to be weighed onto the platform (or in the bowl). The
weight will display. As you add weight, the weight displayed in-
d) ‘Add & Weigh’ feature: To weigh several ingredients together, press
the ZERO key to reset the display to zero between each ingredient.
For example, if a recipe calls for ½ lb rice and ½ lb beans, place the
rice into the bowl. Once the correct amount of rice is weighed, press
the ZERO key until the display resets to zero. Add ½ lb of beans. Both
ingredients have been accurately weighed in the same bowl.
e) When weights have been zeroed out, the display will show dashes
(“-----“) and “NEGATIVE LOAD” when the items are removed from the
scale. To reset the scale back to zero for a new measurement, press
the ZERO key until the display resets to zero.
f) The scale will turn off automatically after 5 minutes of nonuse. To con-
serve battery power, press and hold the “ON/OFF” key for 2 seconds
to turn the scale off manually.
TIP: The liquid measure (Aquatronic
) feature is suitable for all water
based liquids, e.g. wine, milk, stock, cream etc. Please be advised that
oils have a significantly lower specific gravity and would give a reading of
approx. +10%. Please adjust your recipe by this proportion when measur-
ing oils on this scale.