Since fw 2.32 LQ will stay at 100% while the CROSSFIRE transmits in 150Hz mode. When it switches to 50Hz
mode you will see that it drops slightly.
If you want to get a audio warning for your OpenTX radio you can use
short manual
Serial bridge
The bridge feature gives you the ability to pass any kind of serial uart data from any device connected to
the receiver to any device connected to the transmitter. If you selected “Bridge TX” on a capable pin the
following pin will be set to “Bridge Rx” and the following to “Bridge RTS” (if not used by any other Serial
protocol). Please connect your device according to this information. The baudrate is set to 57600 8N1 and
the voltage level is 3.3V only. The RTS pin will change to logical high when the internal FIFO is almost full
and low if the FIFO is almost empty. There is no hardware flow control for the uplink as the wireless close
range telemetry module does not support it. The app-link mode on the TX will automatically change to
bridge on the first few bytes sent down from the receiver if the mode is not set to “OFF”.
MAVLink V1 is a very lightweight, header-only message marshalling library for air vehicles. Most of the
common flight controller support MAVLink message format. For specific message documentation please
If you select “MAVLink TX” on one of the available outputs the corresponding output bill be set to “MAVLink
RX”. There is no hardware flow control required as we support software flow control (RADIO_STATUS
message) on both ends. You can connect it to any telemetry port of a MAVLink compatible FC. The MAVLink
baudrate is set to 57600 baud. The MAVLink TX pin (output 8) needs to be connected to the FC telemetry
RX pin and the MAVLink RX pin (output 7) need to be connected to the FC telemetry TX pin. The app-link
mode on the TX will automatically change to MAVLink on the first frame sent down from the receiver if the
mode is not set to “OFF”.